

今日招聘官方招聘信息 今日招聘官方 2024-05-07 14:55:50 人阅读

post specification

key duties and responsibilities:

1. assist the manager with content creation, social media calendar, channel optimization, etc., and assist with collecting and analyzing social media performance;

2. assist the manager in maintaining the pr materials including press releases, newsletters, testimonials, videos, branded gear, and other necessary pr assets;

3. maintain the official website to ensure all contents are up to date;

4. provide administrative and ad-hoc support to the pr projects above.

qualifications and requirements:

1. bachelors degree or above degree in communications, journalism, marketing, e-marketing, or other closely related fields;

2. at least two years of work experience in a similar role and social media operation experience is preferred;

3. excellent communication and interpersonal skills; excellent english/chinese reading/writing and editing skills; proficiency in oral and written english;

4. proficiency in image processing software and proficiency in video editing software is preferred;

5. self-driven, great attention to detail, show initiative and take full responsibility for the completion of tasks;

6. an interest in, and basic knowledge of, current technology trends such as artificial intelligence, big data, etc.

salary and benefits

salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. appointments will be made under the establishment of cuhk-sz and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the prc. the appointee will be based at the university campus in shenzhen, prc.

application procedure

please send full curriculum vitae together with copies of qualification documents, and at least three references by email to: hr@cuhk.edu.cn

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