

今日招聘官方招聘信息 今日招聘官方 2024-04-29 16:07:35 人阅读

We are looking for Teaching Assistants in our Primary division:

Teaching and Learning

1) Support in the resourcing and delivery the curriculum.

2) When directed to by the Lead Teacher, work with small groups of students, and small group discussions.

3) Assist in the preparation of resources for instruction.

4) Assist with classroom management and routines.

Collaborative Planning

1) Attend and contributes to weekly Collaborative Planning meetings.

2) Assist the Lead Teacher to document teaching and learning experiences on Seesaw, portfolios, as well as physical or electronic displays.

3) Work cooperatively to complete tasks assigned within department or team.


1) Follow communication guidelines outlined in the SWIS Staff Handbook.

2) Assist with translation of incoming parent communication. The Lead teachers is solely responsible for outgoing communication with parents.

3) Assist Lead teacher to access local community resources and plan the risk assessment for field trips.

4) Assist with translation during conferences and meetings.


1) Bachelors degree or above.

2) Excellent command of English.

3) Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.

4) Experience working with children in an educational institutions setting is preferred.

5) Learning or working experience in the related subject is preferred.

Please send your CV to our Email: recruitment@swis.cn with Name + Position

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