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面议 5年以上 本科
  • 绩效奖金带薪年假交通补助
面议 5年以上 本科
  • 绩效奖金带薪年假交通补助
responsible for monthly closing for shenyang plant, prepare for financial reports and financial statements for shenyang plant monthly.
2.负责审核沈阳工厂厂会计资料的合法性和真实性,符合相关《中国会计准则》以及公司费用报销制度。responsible for checking accounting vouchers are legal and actual, complying with china accounting standards and gonvvama reimbursement regulations.
3.负责审核沈阳工厂帐务处理,确保会计处理符合中国会计法和通用会计准则相关规定。supervision on bookkeeping for shenyang plant, make sure the accounting transactions based on chinese accounting rules and gaap.
4.负责沈阳工厂应收/应付帐款账龄分析,每周/每月发货及销售发票核对工作,及时入帐。responsible for ap / ar aging analysis report, responsible for weekly delivery report and sales invoice issuing, posting to sap timely.
5.负责审核沈阳工厂外币合同备案工作,确保所得税及地方税费扣缴申报工作及时完成。responsible for contract (in foreign currency) recording on tax website timely, withholding tax declaration for shenyang plant on time.
6.负责沈阳工厂新员工财务规章及费用报销制度培训事宜。responsible for training program on gonvvama financial management policy for new staff of shenyang plant.
7.负责编制沈阳工厂现金流报表,编制付款计划,合理分配自有资金。responsible for follow-up cash flow and schedule payment plan for shenyang plant.
8.负责跟踪每月固定资产贷款和流动贷款提款事宜,审核贷款资料的合法性和真实性。responsible shenyang fixed assets loan / working capital loan drawdown monthly, to supervise the legitimacy and authenticity of the payment documents to bank
9.审核每月项目贷款利息计算及预提,及时安排资金做好季度利息扣缴和银行贷款还款。responsible for fixed assets loan / working capital loan interest calculation and accrual monthly in sap, supervise on interest expense deduction and repayment plan from bank.
10.负责企业所得税汇算清缴工作,研发费加计扣除核算,按时完成出口退税申报工作。responsible for cit annual declaration, r&d super deduction and tax refund declaration on-line yearly and monthly.
11.负责跟踪沈阳工厂高新技术申请工作;对接政府部门相关事宜。responsible for hnte application work and related matters from government for shenyang plant.
12.负责外管网站收付汇登记工作,及时向外管局提交收付汇报表及相关资料,避免外汇风险。responsible for foreign currency payments and receipts registration in safe website as required, providing documents to safe on time to avoid foreign exchange risks.
13.负责每月编制沈阳工厂资本支出执行情况表,实际与预算对比分析。responsible for completing capex implementation situation table and budget comparison analysis table of shenyang plant monthly.
14.负责沈阳工厂固定资产和无形资产编号申请,固定资产和无形资产创建工作,审核月度折旧数据在sap系统运行准确性。responsible for fixed assets and intangible assets creation in sap, investment order application, follow-up the monthly depreciation in sap system for shenyang plant.
15.负责沈阳工厂季度固定资产及存货盘点工作,进行盘点差异分析和sap差异调整。responsible for stock-taking plan implementation shenyang plant quarterly, variances analysis and accounting adjustments in sap system.
16.负责沈阳工厂中期 / 年度财务审计和政府审计工作。responsible for interim / annual financial audit and government audit work for shenyang plant.
17.及时提供采购部采购订单相应成本中心及会计科目,跟踪po创建进度,确保付款资料及时录入系统。provide procurement department with cost center and general ledger concerning po documents, to follow-up po creation, make sure accounting treatment timely for shenyang plant.
18.审核生产订单在系统里的运行及发货情况,及时进行系统开票及增值税开票具,及时跟踪客户回笼货款。follow-up so operation, goods delivery progress in system, responsible for billing in sap and vat invoicing to customers, collecting sales revenue on time
19.负责沈阳财务团队员工管理及考核工作,定期进行员工沟通,安排必要的团队建议活动。responsible for shenyang finance staff evaluation and management, staff communication and team building activities periodically.
20.负责收集各类政府财政补贴相关政策信息,及时做好申报及审核工作。responsible for collecting related policies on governmental incentives, follow-up reporting, inspection and declaration to government timely.
21.协调与银行及当地政府关系。assistance on managing good relations with banks and local government authorities.
22.协助提供管理报表(使工厂管理层知晓财务与风险控制核心内容);财务kpi指标跟踪,为工厂提供有关战略发展方向,以及跨职能项目的合理建议(如提高产能,成本优化)。assistance on management reports (keep plant management aware about key financials and risks); financial kpi follow ups; provide plant operations tactical directions and support cross-functional projects and initiatives (productivity enhancement, cost reduction)
23.完成经理及管理层交办的其他临时性任务。other temporary tasks arranged by line manager or management level.
•bachelor degree in accounting or related major
•at least 5 years of working experience in foreign invested company
•related management experiences as finance team leader or financial supervisor
•excellent english both in spoken and written, good communication skills
•skilled in excel, ppt and computer operation
•familiar with sap or related financial software
•accounting certificate holder, medium level, cpa or acca should be priority
•cost accounting experience, budget preparation; financial and variance analysis
•using initiative, discretion and judgment within established procedures guidelines and rules
•managing situations requiring diplomacy, fairness, firmness and sound judgment


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