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2020-04-15 01:51:07 人阅读

postdoctoral positions in theoretical quantum information science, fudan university, shanghai

two postdoctoral positions in theoretical quantum information science are available in the group of prof. huangjun zhu in department of physics, fudan university. the positions start from sep. 2020 (the starting date could be flexible if needed) and last for one to three years. successful applicants will receive competitive salary, sufficient travel funding, and other benefits from the university.

applicants should get phd (after july 2015 and before july 2020) in physics, mathematics, or computer science, with strong research track record and ability of independent research. experiences in some of the following topics are appreciated.

1.quantum characterization, verification, and validation (qcvv)

2.quantum measurements and quantum metrology

3.quantum control

4.quantum computing, quantum algorithm, and quantum error correction

5.machine learning

interested candidates please send cv (with a research statement and a list of publications) and pdf files of three representative works to prof. zhu at email zhuhuangjun@fudan.edu.cn; three recommendation letters are expected to be sent by the recommenders directly.

application deadline:31 may 2020.

more information

prof. huangjun zhu got bachelor, master, and phd degrees from zhejiang university, peking university, and national university of singapore, respectively. he then did postdoctoral research at perimeter institute and cologne institute for theoretical physics. he joined fudan university in january 2018. his main research interest is quantum information theory.




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